We're here!
In this episode we introduce ourselves to the masses.
We discuss the fun of having pets and the joys of cold weather.
We listen to voicemails we received before we even recorded!
A round of "What does that celebrity smell like" podcaster edition!
Call our listener line at 206-309-0790 or email us at weremeanbecauseyourestupid@gmail.com.
Until we are in iTunes, you may listen to the show by clicking the title of this entry or by visiting our libsyn page!
I'm scared to listen...so very scared!
Hey Nessa, Holly and Walt,
Fabulous first episode. Wow, so many voice mails for your first episode.
And I can't believe I'm actually commenting before Archer.
Welcome to being Podcasters. Keep up the great work and I'm looking very forward to your next episode.
I haven't listened yet (gonna do it in a sec), but keeping in the spirit of the show's title - shouldn't your LibSyn page's banner say "YOU'RE" instead of "YOUR"? And your show notes? "edition" instead of "addition". How'd I do? (running away now...)
M :-)
I finished the episode and thought it was great as well.
Keep up the great work and can't wait to be a subscriber soon on Itunes!rxbo
Michael, thanks for pointing those out. I thought I had caught that.
It's simple if you want to listen on your iPod. Just click on "Advanced" "Subscribe to Podcast" in iTunes and enter http://feeds.feedburner.com/WereMeanBecauseYoureStupid
And, boom, you are good to go in iTunes until they are added to the directory.
Do I have to listen to the first show?
Also, it's libsyn not lisbyn...isn't it?
Ok, I've listened and... congratulations to the three of you! Great job!! My only complaint is that I have to wait until the Ms to find out what I smell like!
Great job! I subscribed as soon as I found out the feed address (just as Tim described), so I found your first episode waiting for me when I got home tonight. Worth waiting for!
Hi guys :)
Congratulations on the first show. You have nice voices agreeable to listen to -but (now I am having an Archerr moment) don't breath into the microphone Goddammit!- PLEASE!.
And a little more meanness would be nice bitches! You are so friendly. "We can't be mean to Mr. B he is so sweet..." What is this? Girl scouts? Mr. B is the perfect target for meanness and trust me, he loves it :) He invites it :) Just look at his glasses
Your show is a wonderful addition to the podosphere. I know you will develop and thrive. You have great potential.Don't hate me for the criticism, just be mean :)
Love you guys, keep on bitching :)
aardwork is
Michael Bitch in Stuttgart
I knew i loved Fairy Princess Holly for some reason...
Go Retired Racers!
And Walt is cute!
And Nessa..I'm sure I will come to love her as well.
And they are all friends of Qcast this is going to be a great podcast
Okay clearly I'm stupid. My comments didn't work. Anyway, I loved the first podcast! I can't wait for the next one. I loved it when Holly said I smell like Merlot but I was disturbed when Nessa said I smelled like little children. hehehe Love it!
yeah! sounded great guys! i'm so excited to be a fan of the fans of podcasts! i'd love to get in on the action sometime....
can't wait for the next episode!!!!
xo diane
So much fun, you guys...and how wonderful and appropriate that podfather, Archerr, was the first to go under the knife for podcaster smells.
Keep it up! As Walt said, the rapport's only going to get better, which means it should be a fun ride!
And, yeah! Be bitchier, bitches! I expect snark!
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