Surprise! Part One of episode Four.
This episode we determine sucky means fabulous. Walt rushes us so he doesn't miss his stories. More drooling and talk of snack porn. Macaroni and cheese! Nessa is a mac and cheese snob!
Scottish people drink a lot of booze and no he is not wearing a kilt!
Venus and Nicole's prom pictures! Nessa was a bitter fat girl, Walt stayed home, and Holly wore lots of lace and big hair. Everything is bigger in Texas! Suck it Nicole! Holly and Nessa need super fans, call in and volunteer!
Check out Walt's pal's web site at comicmix.com. Just do it!
Walt gets fan girly (again) and Nessa doesn't care. Can't wait for Big Brother! The Fattest Loser! Walt and Holly share pictures of snack porn on their iPod.
Holly isn't sick! Bets on malaria? Who wants to send us tapeworms?
Celebrity smell Brady edition! When it's time to change. Christopher Knight and Adrian Curry equals train wreck! No second marriage for Holly or Nessa. Johnny Bravo has standards?
We want Nelly on the Sureal Life! What's the deal with Rosie?
Going to the Oprah Show. When you're rich, you can pay people to be pompous! Walt and Nessa ponder a future career.
Part two will be out soon!
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Call us at 206-309-0790 or email us at weremeanbecauseyourestupid@gmail.com!
Oooo...a midweek show! HOw lucky! Hey, if you get some of those tapeworms, send one my way. I could drop a few pounds and then get rid of the thing. hehehe
Walt, you bitch! You pimp Martha, and yet no love do I get? I'm your Bedouin bride, dammit -- I deserve some pimpage!
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