Monday, September 6, 2010

Ep 102 We're Mean Because WMBYS is going to NYC!

Ep 102 We're Mean Because WMBYS is Visiting NYC!

Come see us for lunch at 12:30pm on Saturday 9/18 at
48 E 12th St

This episode we talk random stuff. Holly sees Lady Gaga, buys Puddy a new car, and beats a fraud wrap. We talk about our upcoming trip to NYC. Call or email us, and let us know if you'll be coming to our meet and greet so we keep an eye out for you!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ep 101 We're Mean Because WMBYS Was Discovered

Ep 101 is here. It was recorded a full month ago, so it's anyone's guess what we talked about. Give it a listen...we'll have a new one soon. Honest.

Email us at
Call us at 612.293.7413

Thanks to Drew in Colorado for the show art!