Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ep 60 We're Mean Because It's a Nice Day For a White (trash) Wedding!

We're 60 y'all, and we are all over the map today. Holly goes to a white trash wedding, and has a wardrobe malfunction. Walt the scumbag tries to take credit. Thank yous to Stevie B, Matt from Spanking Bea Arthur, and Melanie from DQYDJ Podcast! Abe Vigoda moves in with Holly.
Listener Participation Awards go to:
Matt from Spanking Bea Arthur
Alex in Piss City
Arthur from AmeriNZ
Karla in OH
Ryan Star Jones
Kevin "Mr Drummond" in Danbury

Call us at 206.309.0790
email us at weremeanbecauseyourestupid@gmail.com
Visit our website weremeanbecauseyourestupid.com

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