British John joins Fairy Princess Holly and Larry Klye for the third time we recorded this episode. Third time was a charm because it actually recorded! Thanks Skype and Pretty May for not working together! This episode is typical inappropriate British John fare. Enjoy!
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Listening to British John explain the plot of a bad British show is podcasting GOLD I tell you!
If you look up train wreck in Urban Dictionary they have this episode posted. hehehe
As much as it was a train wreck with all the skype issues, the dead air voice mail..which was playing over your chatter earlier, it was hilarious!! Holly being a little drunk and having BJ tell the naked window story was just wonderful. I chuckled all the way through this one. Loved it!!! And of course who doesn't like being mentioned so much? Right? Love it!
I love when I am so entertained by a blogcast that I forget that I'm working. Train wrecks are always funny and that's why I love listening.
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