Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ep. 77 We're Mean Because We Don't Smile, We Judge or Nous Sommes Mechant Parce Que Vous Etes Bete!

Ep. 77 We're Mean Because We Don't Smile, We Judge or Nous Sommes Mechant Parce Que Vous Etes Bete!

The show so fun, we named it twice! Tune in and hear Larry recap the Gay Days. Holly and Larry talk Top Chef Masters. Happy birthday British John! The contest is ending June 15th at 9:00pm CDT. So hurry and submit your review and email us with your iTunes user name for the drawing! Good luck to everyone! Larry and Holly covet the new iPhone. Larry has been cheating on Dave with Conan. Holly is adopting Katen, and Margaret Cho called in.

Call us! 206-309-0790
Email us! weremeanbecauseyourestupid(at)gmail(dot)com
Leave us an iTunes review!

Thanks for listening!

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