Ep 67 We're Mean Because of Go-Girl
Join Holly and special guest hosts Thom and Luciana. We're all over the place, in true WMBYS fashion. Lady talk with Luciana and Holly. Diet Coke goes right through Thom...we all over share. We're accident prone, and Luciana gets the Splenda poisoning. Eating donuts in the bathroom is all the better for the purging.
Listener mail from:
Holly's future ex-husband JZ
Luna Go to her boyfriend's blog www.fnanon.com
Melissa writes in about her restroom horrors
Katen from Switzerland
Kim in P-ville
Happy birthday Tracey. I love you.
Call us 206-309-0790
email us weremeanbecauseyourestupid.gmail.com
visit our websites:
Sponsor Holly on the Walk for Animals. The link is on our webpage, and Holly's personal blog.
Loving you as always!
Loved the show!! I'm glad to see you didn't pod fade. The guest host's were awesome and you guys put out a really entertaining show. I, of course, miss Walt but that's what he gets for showing up at my place naked!
Keep up the great shows!!
Love and donuts
I hate the splitting of the check, too. Chicago doesn't like the "separate check" idea, so there's always splitting, and someone always gets screwed. )=
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