Sunday, July 13, 2008

EP 44 We're Mean Because British John is Narcissistic

Episode 44 is under an hour, hurrah!

First we want to send Happy Birthday wishes to Super Bee! We also want to thank Mandie for the FABULOUS candles!

In this episode we talk about British John, the weather, more lovely co-workers, paper cuts are a bitch, having a touch of the herps, Holly's shopping trip, Last.FM, and Pod Is My CoPilot.

Outtake at the end!

Thank you all who participated in VIEWER MAIL!!! Check out the following blogs and/or podcasts:

Pod Is My CoPilot
QCast Connection
Foul Monkeys
I Love Lard

Visit our non-podcast blog at!

Call our voicemail line at 206-309-0790 or email your pictures for our Flickr to

Don't try to compare us to another bad little fad
I'm the Mac and I'm bad give you something that you never had
I'll make ya Jump Jump wiggle and shake your rump
Cause I'll be kicking the flavor that makes you wanna Jump


[LaLa] Lauren said...

Haha, he listened after I texted him and told him he was in the album art. He's too good for us all now!

I don't care if you go over an hour. I listen at work and I'm already bitchy enough, your snarky-ness only enhances my attitude, so it is greatly appreciated (=

Why waste your time with a cake scented candle? With the way candles are priced these days just go out and get a frickin' cake!

LK said...

Good Lord! Did y'all gay up that photo or is that for reals?

Fairy Princess Holly said...

No need to gay up British John...he does that all on his own!