"I'm addicted to porn -- food porn, that is."
"Mmmm," moans Nigella Lawson as she "Jackson Pollocks" melted chocolate over chocolate cheesecake on an episode of "Nigella Feasts." As viewers of the show can attest, there's a little something extra in Lawson's cooking. That something is what's known in the industry as food porn: presenting dishes with an eye toward their sensual appeal. And according to food stylist Wesley Martin, no one does it better than Lawson.
So did Holly invent something in the food industry? I think so!
It didn't have anything to do with organic cheese on pizza, did it?
Ok wait...FOOD STYLIST?! can I have one of those?!
I LOVE Nigella Lawson. I love that she is a big sensous woman who cooks. It totally turns me on. In a food porn way.
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