Episode 18...Let the podfade begin!
Random chatter per usual!
New web address for the blog! www.weremeanbecauseyourestupid.com!
Weather, tube tops, and falling at work.
We are thinking of incorporating you fans into our "Smells Like" segments. After all we are the show that fans built! If you want to participate in a segment or in a group show (like EP 17), you will need Skype and a headset! Email us with your skype name and we will let you know when we'll record!
Yummy mac and cheese, Taco Bell, and free pizza!
Walt found a surprise on his doorstep! It was chinese! Thank you Candy!
It's time for viewer mail!
emails from:
Sean (www.pauladeen.com)
Sasha and Travis (www.monistat.com)
Mollie (www.osha.gov/SLTC/workplaceviolence/index.html)
Chris (www.coreyhart.com)
Lesley (www.raffi-world.com/)
Prince will soon be in Holly's basement (after his hip replacement of course)!
Tons of singing in this episode! Sorry! Well, not really.
Voicemails from:
Melanie (http://abroadbroad.blogspot.com/)
Tom (http://rambleredhead.com/)
I thought i put an outtake at the end, but um, it's a minute and a half of silence! Go me! I'll save it for next time :)!
Don't forget about Holly's Walk For Animals! She is so close to her goal! Give a little, give a lot, it's a GREAT cause! You have until May 3rd to help out the animals!
Call and leave us a message at 206-309-0790 or email us at weremeanbecauseyourestupid@gmail.com.
Lemme show u baby Im a talented boy!
I HAVE SKYPE! YAY! Details forthcoming in an email.
Please don't pod fad! Please don't pod fad!
hahaha.....isn't FADE? hahaha
Good LORD Archerr's been drinking again.
Don't you dare to podfade bitches! Or I'll come over and kick your lazy asses.
Now that I am an addict? No, no way!
Archerr's drinking again ? When did he stop? LOL!!
I would be so sad if you all faded away into oblivion, so do -not- allow that to happen! We still love you even though you attached the monistat website to our names in your post. :|
I'm familiar with Skype but we don't have it and we don't have headphones, but I'm sure something can be arranged because we'd love to do some smells with you all.
I'm with Michael on the podfading-I will cut a bitch-and Walt, I don't even have to fly to get to you! Actually, I have to drive there to fly out anyways...so on my way to Holly and Nessa...Although you can probably distract me with your rendition of "Get Off" long enough to get away!
Where are you from, Mat?
ya'll need to drink and podcast like shots every 15 minutes. my gaol in life is to be as drunk as rob lindley
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