Episode nine is here! We tried really hard with the sound folks! If you don't like it, um, well, suck it.
We discuss a few more cereals we forgot last time. Boo for Sesame Street and their carrot eating ways!
J-Lo's kids. Sven and Inga is normal right? Those are their middle names! Hell in a hand basket, a pretty pink one! Drink your juice Shelby! We don't have any glasses!
Holly shares a somewhat serious story. Can you pass me a dinner roll? Kick back to PIMC! Good times!
Emails galore! Walt and Holly are married?! Nessa wants a title :(! Podfade effective episode 18! Crazy grandmas! FP Holly has a new bitch! pssh! Walt's balls vs. Fatty Daddy's, a mini smells like! Love, Dad. Another rotating bitch! It's all about the junk. Holly speaks fluent gay. What's a mangyna? Holly will cut a bitch. Doughnuts ooooohhhh! Holly almost died because of an apple turnover.
We get a special email from a listener, Steve Jobs, and Dr. Drew. Walt is delusional!
Voicemails! Taylor gives Nessa a stern talking to. Tim from Terminally Single tells us about jesus chicken. Kevin describes being Holly's bitch and Nessa touches herself inappropriately. Ricky, our Downzie Bitch American, it's a long one. Qcast is just driving around. Nessa smells like Kleenex.
We discuss having birthday months and a contest coming up for our listeners! Details to come!
Holly talks about more food porn.
As always, Skype has the last word! More of Walt's delusion after the show!
Call and leave us a message at 206-309-0790 or email us at weremeanbecauseyourestupid@gmail.com.
You can subscribe and rate us through iTunes! You can also visit our Libsyn page!
There was technically five monster cereals. You got them all except the short lived Yummi-Mummy. Fruit Brute didn't last long due to the bad box artwork.
Ok I'm a bit behind on the podcasta due to the office cooties kicking my ass. HOW MUCH DO WE FUCKING HATE THE OFFICE COOTIES!!?!? Just wanted to let you know the naked photos are on the way...please check your email. Thats landofdenial@gmail.com right? Hope you got them!
Love Love Love you guys!
Hollys Bitch Erik
Ok, did I mention that I love my Bitch Erik?!?! :) (who, by the way, gets more shout outs in the next show)
Dammit! Holly, I forgot the password to our landofdenial@gmail account. What was it again?!??!!
Never mind. Found the password. But there are no pics here. WTF?
By the way, Erik, offices are just day care for grown ups. That's why they're full of office cooties! Feel better!
Another great show - Holly serious story was surprising and sad to hear. I guess I would have reacted the same way. I had an aunt who died from that as well but not in a plate of food!
As you can see I am catching up and really love you guys!
I will be your bitch too!!
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