Episode 12, a little late and a little long. Suck it.
Nessa shares a story from her youth. It was a friend damn it! There will be no pretend voicemail!
New show art for PIMC is hot! There is no pillow case! Nessa is not ashamed! Comments on Holly's sick picture.
Talks of Fatty Daddy's podcast and Holly gets creepy and promptly changes the subject!
You take the good, you take the bad,
you take them both and there you have
The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life.
We all have girl crushes on Molly Ringwald. Walt will post junk pictures once he loses 100 more pounds :) He is on the Olsen diet! Boo to large eyebrows! Poor Lourdes!
Voicemails! Travis, the food pornographer! Holly is eating for two! Tim from Terminally Single. Circus of the Stars may be coming back!! Eric from Confessions of a Southern Boy in Yankee Land. Eric you are hot! We need a third Eric!
Emails! Travis hates Bobby Flay and Emeril! Walt has a new crush! Mad Fan Girl Sasha! Sorry we are needy! Walt will be licking boots ASAP! New listener Zigg! We officially have an old dyke as a fan! Yay! Dogs are better than co-workers. Holly's new bitch Bjorn! You will never beat Nessa's scores on the HMDWL forum! Walt doesn't want to be cut. Candy, we love you! Holly's package lasted almost six minutes! Queerbait! Nick, you do have a podcast. Walt, give Ken the candy!
Walt gives a history lesson for one special "listener." You may change your one-star review now. Holly rants!
You can subscribe and rate us through iTunes! You have until 2:00 pm EST on March 15th to leave us a 5-star review and email us at weremeanbecauseyourestupid@gmail.com and let us know your iTunes name! Good luck to everyone whose entered!
Holly continues her rant! Tell us how you really feel!
Last minute voicemail! Tim from Go Rainbow Radio and There Are Some Who Call Me Tim!
Thanks again to all those who have donated to the Walk for Animals! Remember you have until May 3rd to sponsor Holly and she will be matching dollar for dollar up to $1,000!!
You can leave us a voicemail at 206-309-0790 or email us at weremeanbecauseyourestupid@gmail.com!
Not only the podcast is great - I also love your website and especially the witty and hilarious shownotes!
Very well done.
Yay! Episode 12! *Mad FanGirl applause* Travis is missing out right now and two episodes behind because he is on his way home from Chicago and will be home tomorrow.
I have my boots on and I'm ready!
They say WW can do just amazing things with his tongue, but is it true that you are a size 12?
Great voice & e-mails! We Mean bitches will elect you as our president!
Oh by the way, I actually am a child of the Byzantine Empire and I loved that part -
And I would so love to sit behind you in the theatre and listen!!! Of course only if you skip Mexican food for a day or two :)
Ostern just sucks, what an asshat - I loved Holly's rant though :)
West Coast REPRESENT!! No East/Coast battles...I think there's enough room for all the Eric/k's fangirls! I agree Eric in NYC is HOT STUFF! I'm willing to share.
Love you guys!
West Coast Erik
Holly, I'm on my way to cut Ostern, NO ONE messes with my girl!!! :(
Nessa's obsession with Taylor sounds a little stalkerish. Watch out Taylor. Although, I do have to admit that that picture is smokin hot!
I loved it when Nessa kept shouting "Drink!" during the show.
Yes, your audio is so much better than mine, I agree with Candy...and I agree that it's JayT's fault.
Holly sounded like she was having a Super B rant about that 1 star review. You go, girl! That was great!
Bless your mean little hearts, that was a hilarious episode. Nessa was quite jovial, I thought her laughter might turn into snorting but alas, it never did. I love her even though she doesn't express enough love for me. I had meant to warn you ahead of time that Travis tends to be very hateful and is especially hostile about some things (i.e. food and other chefs) but I guess you found that out for yourselves. Tee hee.
I just sponsored Holly on behalf of myself, Travis, our five dogs and four cats. We were very happy to be able to do this, it's for a good cause!
So much to comment on.
Michael in STGT. WW is stingy with the "candy" don't even bother asking for details. Thank you, as always, for being one of our biggest supporters. Nessie love you.
Erik, thanks for being a good sport and for being hella fine! yummy!
Archerr, I am not obsessed! :P
Sasha, I do love you girl. I think you are fabulous in everyway. But to be honest, Holly will cut me if I steal any of your attention, and frankly, that scares me. You are our Mad Fan Girl and we do love you tons! And Travis is awesome, we love hateful!
No! no room for three!
Ok, there's room for three. The issue is, do we have to belong to one of you each or do you guys share?
Remember what you learned in kindergarten: Sharing is Caring!
Yes I agree, no third Eric. I want to see you fight who will have them as their bitches.
My bets are on Nessa and Holly. Nessa is quick and agile whereas Holly looks innocent, but knows all the nasty punches. Sorry Walt, I am afraid the girls win again :)
I don't care who claims Eric as their bitch, he's going to end up shackled in my basement with Erik.
Hey... what's wrong with jerking off in the shower? Er... I mean... never mind...
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